God's Thunderclap!: One Day at a Time

God's Thunderclap!: One Day at a Time

Author: Pastor Sykes
April 16, 2021

Order my Steps in thy Word

Psalm 37:23 says, "The steps of  a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." The New Living Translation of this verse says, "He delights in every detail of their lives." And in Psalms 119:133, it says, "Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
The Word, step, is defined as a "measure of action; a course of action; an act or move or an action." A step is not as big as a jump. One step means a small action or a slight movement. How do you walk? One step at a time. A step implies small progress. In the Bible, it refers to conduct. The Lord is saying that we have to be consistent. We must be deliberate. We are to be intentional about our next move. 

So, today we ask what is our next step? What do we do? We are shut up in our houses. Our businesses are shut down. I  believe The Lord is saying that during this time, we have to calm down and realize that we cannot take o massive step that is going to over this crisis. We are going to have to take baby steps right now. One small step at a time. And you may be asking, "How do I  stay sane?"

In fact, we may have to take it one hour at a time, in order to keep from being so full of worry. 
The Bible says, "The steps of a godly man are ordered by the Lord..." Davis said, "Thy Word is a lamp..." The Holy Spirit will guide us. He will lead us. God's Word will direct us. Faith is taking one step at a time and trusting that if we are walking in the ill of God, even when we look down the road, and it seems like there is an open place with no solid foundation, God will provide the bridge for us to safely cross. When there is no way, God will make a way, and when we take the step. 

This is faith. 

If you are looking for a more profound study, please grab a copy of my book God's Thunderclap today. Here!

