God's Thunderclap: Intentional Living

God's Thunderclap: Intentional Living

Author: Pastor Sykes
April 16, 2021

What's Going On?

Fifty years ago, things were pretty bad in America. The Vietnam War was engaging, and it brought conflict home to the streets of our nation. There were protests-- at times violent ones. The National Guard opened fire on students at Kent State University in Ohio, killing four. The drug culture was entrenched in our society. It was also a vital time for the civil rights movement. Back then, the world appeared to be conflicted and confused. It sounds eerily similar to today's worlds. Marvin Gaye's Hit song, What's Going On?" resonated then. And it is a good refrain for our world right now. 

In fact, it prophetic. 

When we look around, we see schools closing. We see colleges closing. We see businesses closing. We see restaurants closing. People who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on weddings have had to cancel their plans. Economies are grinding to a halt around the world.

2020 was supposed to be a great year. I  was recently looking at some of the things that godly men had predicted for this year. According to them, 2020 was to be a year of perfection. A year of breaking through, a year of joy, and a year of supernatural shift. With all those encouraging, positive words, we should ask, "What happened that so many were not able to see this?" 

Well, come to think of it, we may be seeing that "supernatural shift." 

If you are looking for a more profound study, please grab a copy of my book God's Thunderclap today. Here!

