God's Thunderclap: The Importance of Our Relationships

God's Thunderclap: The Importance of Our Relationships

April 16, 2021

Do I  have your attention?

The importance of family can not be overstated. And it is so important to be right with each other. So often, we overlook this in our effort to succeed and acquire materials things. It helps us to realize that there is something more important than mere things. Relationships. We are the light and the salt. 

We are salt and light and called to season and shine. We're to give hope when there's no hope. And we are to walk by faith. Sin isn't leaving here anytime soon, and there will be ramifications and consequences. What we have to understand is that we have to help through the power of the Holy Ghost. God has given us His Spirit to help us deal with the world and its inherent sin. 

Jesus Saves! He is the answer! If brothers and sisters in Wuhan can risk their lives to tell their fellow citizens about the Savior, what are we doing walking around as if we are scared of our own shadows? 

This is our opportunity to share the good news ask folks, "Do you want to know why I  have peace? Do you want to know why I'm still smiling? Do you want to know why I  sleep at night? Do you want to know why I'm not scared? It's because I   know Jesus, and He is large and in charge."

Life brings its thunderclaps. And God comes to us through these thunderclaps. He also comes through whispers. On Mount Sinai with Moses, it was a thunderclap. With Elijah on Mount Horeb, it was a whisper. God can come rattling like thunder, or He can come in a whisper; intangible, altering, shaking, moving, bold, and powerful. That's God. 

To politicians, religious folks, China, Russia, and the United States, God is saying, "Can you hear me now? Do I  have your attention?" 

If you are looking for a more profound study, please grab a copy of my book God's Thunderclap today. Here!

