God's Thunderclap: God Always Knows How To Get Our Attention

God's Thunderclap: God Always Knows How To Get Our Attention

Author: Pastor Sykes
April 16, 2021

God Knows...

Corona suggests A crown -- the idea of someone in authority. Of course, it makes me think of the One who is seated on the throne of God. The Bible tells us that all other crowns will be placed at his feet. So, even corona has to ultimately bow before Almighty God. 

Either God is sovereign, or He is not. Either he is in control, or He isn't. We must decide. But then again, He is Lord whether we "decide: He is, or not. Objectively we know this. But in a subjective since when we consciously decide or affirm his sovereignty over all things, and chases our fear away. Instead, we walked in his wisdom, knowledge, faith, and courage. 

The Thunderclap He chose to use is not loud like a bomb, or even large like an earthquake. No, he used something very small, even tiny. He said "I  am going to take little caterpillars no bigger than a human finger, and they will come upon you by the billions and wipe out your crops in Vineyards. They will crawl up your walls and on your skin. You won't be able to fight or defeat them.No pesticide can stop them. And I will do this because you have forgotten me."

God always knows how to get our attention. Whether it's through lightning or a still small voice, he knows how and, even more importantly, when. They were times when he says I'm going to allow destruction. I'm going to  allow the locust to swarm. I'm going to allow a bat to unleash a virus on mankind to shut down cities, nations, businesses, sports, economies, culture, and political power.

The people of God know what to do. Even though we don't have the answer, we know what to do. The world system is powerless and paralyzed. They haven't a real clue what to do. They bemoan the state of things. And I  suppose there are some of the Lord's people who have gotten caught up in that. But those with spiritual discernment know how to go into the house of the Lord and cry out to the living God. We know how to proclaim a fast. We know that prayer changes things. It reaches past the heavens and to the very throne of God. He hears the prayers of His children, and those fervent prayers of righteous men avail much. So we are not hopeless or helpless.  

