God's Thunderclap!: Risktakers

God's Thunderclap!: Risktakers

Author: Pastor Sykes
April 16, 2021

Are you Ready?

There is a moment in everyone's life that changes everything. They call it a defining moment. When you look back on your life, can you think of a moment that changed your life? A moment that changed the way you think? This is one of those moments that should change people. But there is a moment that is greater than all of the other moments combined. In this age of coronavirus with all the fear and uncertainty that comes with it, we must remember this: In the twinkling of an eye, He will change us. 

It is said that we blink our eyes 15,000 to 20,000 times every day. So, every day Hod has 15,000 to 20,000 opportunities to take us out of here. Someone said that the twinkling of an eye is 1/64,000 of a second. An atom is so small that we cannot divide it. Atom means something that cant be divided. It can't but cut. It's the smallest unit man can even think of. In one moment, in a twinkling, the saints will be gone. 

He will take us out of this world in a moment. 
We will be caught up. 

Have you been baptized? Have you given your life to Christ? Is He your Lord? Remember I  told you that during the Spanish Flu people died in the buggies on the way to the hospital. People died in the waiting room. If it is your time, nothing can save you. All the Charmin toilet paper in the world cannot protect you. So, this is a time to make sure you are ready and a time to make sure that you stay ready, so when Jesus comes, you will be ready. I  have another acronym for coronavirus. Can't Overtake, Relegate, Obliterate, Negate, Annihilate, Viscerate, Intimidate, Relegate Us Saints. The virus can't defeat us. We have the victory. 

If you are looking for a more profound study, please grab a copy of my book God's Thunderclap today. Here!

