God's Thunderclap!: To Get Your Attention

God's Thunderclap! : To Get Your Attention

Author: Pastor Sykes
March 29, 2021

God Speaks

As I  prepared to write this book, God's Thunderclap!, God impressed upon me that what is going on right now in America and the world is in a very real sense, God's Thunderclap. Thus, the title for the book.


Why God's Thunderclap you might ask. A thunderclap is a roar, a bang, a blast, a boom, a pop, a clap, something loud, something sudden, something meant to get your attention. And what is going on in the world right now fits that description, It's all a Big Bang from God. And it's no theory.

It's very real. 

God has impressed upon me that this is something designed to get everyone's attention, because we live in a time when, sadly, it seems that churches desire political correctness more than spiritual holiness. The powerful and life changing message of the Gospel has been too often watered down and sugar coated. It's like what one author a generation ago said when talking about the great question asked by a great prophet Elisha, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" The author, taking a cue from the question, asked: "Where are the Elijah's of God?" Where, indeed. 


